Nano EV was unveiled by Tata Motors at the Geneva Motor Show. The car based on the Nano platform has an electric motor which is powered by polymer lithium ion batteries. The Nano EV has a claimed speed of 0-60kmph in under 10 seconds with a predicted range of 160km. It is also the second vehicle in the Tata motors portfolio to sport an electric powertrain after the Indica Vista EV, which is expected to go on sale in Europe sometime this year.
Tata Motors vice chairman, Ravi Kant said "Electrification will be an integral part of our initiative to launch environment-friendly vehicles. The Indica Vista EV will be introduced in select European countries beginning this year. We will progressively introduce electric vehicles in all relevant markets." The other vehicles on display from the Tata Motors portfolio include the Tata Aria, an MPV with prime SUV qualities, Indica Vista EV, Indigo Manza and the Xenon double cab pick-up vehicle.
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